Lekhika Ranchi

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The Real Ghost Stories

Insomnia again

I had been awake for a few moments, and then my doorknob wiggled

I stared wide-eyed at it for the longest time

It had just wiggled

My first thought is that it was my cat

Sometimes she opens the porch door then tries to open our doors

I prayed to God, "Please let that have been my cat, then I can sleep in peace." I convinced myself it was my cat. The next morning, my cat was on the porch, and the porch door happened to be locked

Kitty had not snuck in, so I interrogated my mom, dad, and brother

They ardently denied my accusations

They wouldn't do that. Then the next night came, and I awoke again at 3:30 or 4:30

When I went to bed, my brother who was in the den (right outside my room) was watching tv

But here I was awake again, and I could see the light on in the den under the door

Then my door opened

I heard the doorknob turn, and it slowly opened, about halfway

Then it began to close again, but didn't close all the way

Then there was a flash of light in the den, and it went dark

I stared at it for a while

I thought it was my brother, because I thought he stayed up all night watching his show, and opened my door for some reason

Thus, I wasn't scared, and I got up and closed the door

I attempted to go back to sleep, but was a little bothered. I asked him about it the next morning

He didn't know what I was talking about, because he swore he went to bed at midnight

And he has no history of sleep walking

I did my usual interrogation and everyone denied it

I was abashed and became frightened

Later that day, I was on the computer and heard my mom scream my name twice, as if from outside, like she needed help

I rushed outside to go to her aid, she was was calmly tending the garden

She looked startled when I got there

"What's wrong?" I asked out of breath

"I heard you scream my name..." She said she never did and looked at my like I was crazy

She thought I was playing a joke on her

She'd never play a joke like this on me. Since this moment, nothing has happened with the incident

I even went back to the graveyard and got no bad feelings. 


Anjali korde

10-Aug-2023 11:01 AM

